
101 South Division St. Ocean City, MD 21842 |

Restore The Henry Hotel

An Ocean City Landmark

Henry’s Hotel survives as one of a few 19th-century structures in downtown Ocean City. Built around 1895, the hotel and lot were acquired by Charles T. and Louisa Henry in December 1926. Previously known as “Henry’s Colored Hotel,” the enterprise was a full service facility catering to visiting African-American tourists and entertainers. Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Willie Harmon are among the numerous entertainers who performed at the nearby Pier Ballroom but stayed here during years of strict segregation among the boardwalk hotels.

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Support the Restoration

The restoration of the Henry Hotel will be done in stages. The Henry Hotel Foundation has been fortunate enough to receive a Maryland Historical Trust grant for $250,000. These funds will enable us to literally lift the existing structure and build a foundation.

It is amazing that Henry has stood as long as it has. With basically no foundation it has withstood storms like the 1933 hurricane that cut the inlet, the 1962 nor’easter that nearly leveled the town, and many, many lesser storms over the years. The Henry Hotel wants to tell its story. We plan to start the work in September.

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